Monday, July 2, 2007


Welcome to the Cosmos Education Kenya Blog!

We will use this forum to post updates about our activities, and to share photos, videos, and interesting links.

Cosmos Education Kenya (or CEK) is a registered charity in Kenya dedicated to engaging, inspiring, and empowering young people through science and technology education. The mission of Cosmos Education Kenya is to foster an understanding of global sustainable development through improved science and technology education in developing regions of the world.

Our method is working from the ground up - reaching individual students and teachers by being effective in the classroom. Our model is grassroots development within a community; we want the youth in developing regions of the world to decide how their nations should develop. In order to do this, the youth must understand the rapidly changing world around them. They must be inspired, empowered, and engaged in their education. Our goal is to encourage children to ask the questions that will drive development from within.

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