World Forestry Day is celebrated in forests around the world on 21 March each year as people take time to consider the benefits of forests to the community - such as catchment protection, providing habitat for plants, areas for recreation, education and scientific study, and as a source of many products including timber, wildlife and honey, not forgetting the billions of cubic litres of water that emanate there. World Forestry Day also aims to provide opportunities for people to learn how forests can be managed and used sustainably for these many purposes.
A tree seedling planted during a hot season needs mulching and simple bottle-drip irrigation as shown above.
The Celebrations;
In Kenya, the celebrations took place at the Karura Resource Centre in Karura forest. The ceremony included the official launching of the International Year of Forests. This follows the United Nations declaration of 2011 as the International Year of Forests which calls on all UN Member States to dedicate this year to conservation activities to celebrate the forests of the world, in line with combatting the global warming and the ever decreasing forest and water resources.
Forests need to be renewed by way of having seedbeds for new tree seedlings as shown above, which should eventually be transplanted to the field after maturity.
This is the first time, that Kenya is celebrating the World Forest Day and the International Year of Forests. The theme of the international year of forests is “Forest for People” and focuses on the relationship between forest and people who depend on them. Karura Forest, which has now been opened for public recreation symbolizes the successful struggle in forest reclamation and restoration in the country. The place is beaming with thick leafy sections, to beautiful clean water falls. The birdlife is in a sharp increase over the last few years, while logging is a thing of the past.
Forest Heroes;
During the year,the member states will initiate enomous efforts to creating awareness and increasing the foresat cover. Among the initiatives, the recognizing and awarding of innovative community efforts that improves the livelihood through sustainable forestry conservation will be one of the key aspects. However, the main highlight is the creation of a Forest Heroes Award. This will recognize individuals that have made outstanding contribution to forests. The award will mainly focus on the unsung heroes and heroines; whom the UN calls “the everyday people” who tirelessly work towards nurturing, protecting, and developing forests. During the event, the UNEP Director Mr. Steiner noted that there are lots of such people in the communities whose work needs recognition more than ever. He reiterated the need to have initiatives that will foster close relations from the local level climbing up to the national level. This he noted will help in realizing the global goal of reclaiming the lost forest cover. With the long rains period having started in some areas of the country, the time for tree planting is here with us, meaning we should take a full advantage.
The United Nations Forum on Forests is currently identifying individuals as forest spokespersons who can use their leadership or celebrity status to generate media attention and help to raise awareness and support for forests.
Exchanging of Ideas;
In Kenya, the national steering committee plans to launch a Corporate Forest Management Award which will be recognizing heroes at the grassroot level. The tree planting in all counties will be conducted at the onset of the long rains in April. Public awareness programes will include hosting of Zonal forestry management exhibitions and enhancing school-based tree planting. This will transform greatly and help recover the lost forest cover in many areas of the country. The counties that have an average forest cover eg, Murang’a, will be used as an example to the other counties through community based heroes and participants exchange programme. Inter-county seminars will be conducted twice a year in different places where participants will have a good chance to learn, tour and exchange ideas which will help in improving the realization of the set goals.
1 comment:
Nice post. Parents are parents, not Gods. Of course they cannot have all the answers. The way you explain things to your kids should do all the work…it all comes under parenthood and your people skills.
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